Sunday, September 17, 2006

Excercise Your Brain Too!

Do You Want To Become Smarter?

Here is Brainwave Entrainment!


Dear friend,

Do you struggle to remember people's names, or do you find it hard to recall certain facts? Have you ever wished that you could have a super memory and amaze your friends with how much detail you have stored away about events that they also attended?

Well, now you can read much faster, record more information, become more successful in your work and achieve far more than you ever thought possible. You will be more mentally fresh, think faster, more clearly and never forget appointments, birthdays or other important events ever again.

Let me ask you a few questions:

  • Would you like to work more effectively and efficiently at work?
  • Would you like to study less and get higher grades?
  • Is fading memory or mental fatigue sabotaging your performance at work, personal relationships or independence?
  • Do you misplace things, lose your train of thought, or quickly forget a name you just learned?
  • Do you forget birthdays, appointments, facts and important data?

Well now there is a solution. You are about to discover how to quickly become smarter, a more powerful learner and thinker with very little effort. This will easily be the most important report that you have ever read.

Scientific research has shown that many dynamic leaders, scholars and the most intelligent share similar brainwave frequencies and display distinct peak brain states while engaged in mental tasks. Now with OptiMINDzation(tm) CD Volume One, you can have access to the same peak performance state that the world's greatest achievers know intimately.

As you listen to the OptiMINDzation CD Volume One, your brainwaves will be entrained into the beta brainwave zone and have you mentally fine tuned for success.

Brainwave Entrainment Can Help You To Dramatically Improve Your Mental Abilities And Increase Your Concentration!

Recently, professionals in psychology, neurology, medical health and self help have begun utilizing the power of brainwave entrainment in their work with patients.

What is brainwave entrainment? It is a relatively young rapidly growing field that studies how altering brainwaves naturally can allow people to enter states of increased intelligence, creativity, relaxation, pure energy and more!

Now here's the science behind this incredible breakthrough. The brain has billions of braincells called neurons which communicate with each other using electrical signals.

All of these neurons sending signals at once produce a large amount of electrical activity called a brainwave pattern because of it's wave or cyclic nature.

Drs. Siegfried and Susan Othmer found that neurofeedback brainwave training in the 15-18 Hz range can produce significant shifts in IQ score, particularly with people who are suffering from ADD/ADHD and other disorders. In cases where the starting IQ value is less than 100, the average IQ increase was 33 points! They also found significant improvements in memory, reading and arithmetic. In a one year follow-up, trainees showed major improvements in self-esteem, concentration and self-expression.

Researchers and scientists have discovered that different bands of brainwaves are associated with different mental states such as sleeping or wide awake, and that these are widely different.

Years of research have shown that brainwaves can be stimulated to actually change a person's current state. By causing the brain to produce or decrease specific types of brainwave frequencies, a large variety of mental states and emotional reactions can be brought about.

So What Does this Mean to us Non Scientists?

It means you can become smarter and improve your memory, mental clarity and focus by listening to the OptiMINDzation Volume one audio CD.

Think of listening to it as exercise for your brain. These days, many people work out, but your brain also needs to improve. Imagine the impact this could have on your life! This could:

  • Help you excel in your career
  • Improve the quality of your life
  • Improve your marriage or relationship
  • Make you more content
  • Make you more confident
  • And so much more!

Get OptiMindzation Volume One Today And you can Improve Your Mental Powers in 7 Easy Steps!

  1. Take a deep breath and prepare yourself for mental acceleration.
  2. Load your OptiMINDzation Volume One CD into your CD player and prepare to strengthen your thought power.
  3. Push play to activate your peak optimized mental state.
  4. 20 minutes later, you are dialed in to your explosive mental assets. Turn off your CD player and experience the real difference of mind optimized to a peak performance state.
  5. With your mental batteries fully charged, go and conquer your day!
  6. Repeat daily (and use 60 minute sessions when you can) to experience an amazing mental transformation of accelerated overall intelligence.
  7. Buy copies as gifts for your family, friends and associates and share the power of mind optimization.

Isn't It Time You Began Utilizing the Full Power of Your Mind?

Your optiMindzation Volume One will be shipped out immediately when you order now.

Your friend,

Stephen Vincent

p.s. This is without doubt the most advanced product I have ever reviewed and I fully endorse it 100% as I use it myself.

p.p.s. Stephen Pierce is a genius for producing these amazing products and knows the full benefits of brainwave optimization, so follow the master to success. Only the lazy without any ambition can afford not to grab this today!